Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Kick Butts Day 2013!

Today, March 20, 2013, is Kick Butts Day! Kick Butts Day is a national day of activism that empowers youth to stand out, speak up and seize control against Big Tobacco.  The tobacco industry spends almost $1 million every hour on advertisements for its tobacco products.  It's up to each of us to fight the heavy influence of big tobacco by making a stand against unhealthy tobacco use!  You can fight tobacco by...
  • refusing to buy any tobacco products
  • encouraging friends and family members to quit, or not begin, tobacco use
  • educating yourself and others about the dangers and health risks associated with tobacco use
  • encouraging others to think before falling victim to the persuading advertisements made by big tobacco companies 
  • making your home or living space a tobacco free area
  • avoiding areas where tobacco use is likely to occur
If you would like more information about Kick Butts Day or tobacco use visit the Kick Butts website! 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Have a Safe Spring Break

Safe Spring Break 2013: Sun, Slopes or Service, Make the Break Safe!

Make the Pledge to Make the Break Safe!
The BACCHUS Network encourages you to have a Safe Spring Break this year. Whatever your plans are, make sure they include these tips:
• Remember, impairment begins with the first drink. Choose not to drink if you are driving, or be safe with a designated driver.
• Wear your seatbelt. Always. It’s your best protection in a crash.
• Distracted driving is dangerous. Park the car to check mobile devices.
• Respect other peoples’ right, and your own, to choose not to drink.
• Respect state laws and campus policies.
• Stay out of dangerous situations involving alcohol, whether in a car, bar or bedroom.
• If a friend drinks to the point of passing out, alcohol poisoning is a real danger. If you’re concerned, seek medical attention. Better safe than sorry!
Take the pledge!  By reading the following and sharing your pledge on Twitter or Facebook, you agree to Make the Break Safe!
• I promise not to drink and drive during Spring Break, or let any of my friends get behind the wheel impaired.
• I will not ride in a car when the driver has been drinking.
• I will wear my seatbelt, whether I’m the driver or passenger.
• I will focus on my driving when behind the wheel and not be distracted by mobile devices, music or passengers.
• I will watch out for my friends, take care of myself, and do what I can to plan for a Safe Spring Break!