Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Comments and Questions about Tobacco-Free MSU

Please feel free to post any comments, questions or observations regarding the Tobacco-Free policy below in the comments section.


  1. Well, smoking tobacco can really be a bad thing for your health. Good thing that this policy will be implemented to at least reduce health risks that may cause with this habit. Great Post!

  2. While the new policy is helpful on campus, who will be enforcing a no littering policy in the 'smoking border'?

    The number of cigarette butts appearing in lawns along College street is starting to make it look pretty bad... not representative of a campus that actually bans smoking, nor cares about a well-kept appearance.

  3. Ways to address the litter at the boundaries of campus is currently being discussed by facilities and grounds.

  4. Can there be more signs stating the policy and perhaps its consequences. Around campus? i have seen five people this year and i am eithrr in a hurry or do not know what to say to them. Please email me with your suggestions,

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